
The Clone Wars: Changing Tide --Volume 1--

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Literature Text

                            Star Wars: The Clone Wars

                             Changing Tides: Volume 1

                          "A leader is a dealer in hope."

      Beams of light shone brightly through the thick Kaminoan skies. A very rare sight to be seen thought the republic officer, having recently arrived after receiving a direct order to the planet by Chancellor Palpatine himself. Standing alone on the wet, mirrored platform looking towards the sky, a low rumbling boomed in the distance. Unveiling from within the clouds burst the hulls of several Acclamator Class Cruisers. Their low rumbling growing into thunderous roars drawing near the platforms; lowering both tremendous landing gear and ramps.

       A small white blur of a trooper slowly paced down the ramp of the nearest cruiser. His helmet different from any other the officer had seen prior, "Captain Rex I presume? It is an honor to finally meet you. Major Haide Valhallen sir." Rex removed his helmet, "I've heard of your exploits Major. You've come to the right legion, but sadly at a turbulent time." Responding with slight optimism, "Well, lets hope this review turns that around. The battle record of the 501 is an illustrious one..Umbara.. was an isolated incident."

       Valhallen lifted his comlink. Illuminating the white armor, a glowing blue hologram of the Kamino assembly ground was visible. "I'll forward you the meeting assignments for the legion. For field review, I've selected various elements and have consolidated them into Salvo Battalion. Though I am overseeing the drill personally, I'd prefer the battalion commander to be selected by you Captain." Rex nodding as a trooper walked up. Saluting and removing his helmet, Valhallen was shocked to see the heavily scarred face of the trooper with charcoal colored hair, his eye adorned by a brilliant blue Jaig eye.

       The trooper reached forward to shake hands with the new Major while in a coarse deep voice introducing himself, "They call me Commander Halifax." Their hands firmly clutching one another in mutual respect, "As for me commander, my call sign is Vallen. A little clearer over the comlink chatter than having to worry about the "H"."

The officers reassured by Vallen's light nature and confidence.

        A horn call sounds out, echoing across the assembly grounds, calling the troopers to order. Hundreds of troopers formed a sea of white and blue. View plates shined while their helmets sharply turned. "Aten- Hut!" the voice of Halifax filled the air. In an instant the sea of troopers snap to attention transforming from a leisure sea to a precise series of lines. Clear divisions between various squads and companies.

Halifax stood on a platform able to be seen by all in attendance - his presence dauntless.

"Five hundred and First, You have made the Republic proud. Your record is not tarnished by the events of Umbara. Though we sustained heavy casualties, we WILL come back from this. We have before, and we will yet again! In the coming days the 501 will be sent on several routine exercises where your performance can be evaluated. Salvo Battalion, I introduce to you, Major Haide Valhallen of Corulag Academy."

       Silence plagued the air. The singular clicks of Vallen's boots echoed of the puddled platform, erect in posture, to the forefront he strode. "At ease gentlemen." Raising both of hands, his fingertips gripped the cheek plates of his helmet. Lifting it off, he bowed his head to remove it with ease. Vallon's neck straightened.

       A sense of shock laced with suspicion overcomes the silence. A slight murmur can be heard in the ranks. Until now, clones had not been under command of anyone other than clones and Jedi. Was this just another aristocrat's son, that was typically a navy assignment.

       The side of Vallen's mouth raised to a slight one sided grin. His eye brow held a scar through the right side, but his eyes were sharply focused. Deep blue eyes with gold surrounding the center looked out among the men.

       "Though I was sent here by Republic Command, it is with distinction I accepted." Taking a slow deep breath, Vallon took a moment to gather his thoughts, "Yes, Umbara was a tragedy, but do not let it become a moment that defines the legacy of this legion. The 501st has been divided temporarily for assessment. Separate eval missions are to be carried out in conjunction with a variety of units. Let me assure you, this is only temporary, however, Salvo battalion has been optimally set up to uniquely create spearhead offenses and rapid deployment."

      What had started as a grin, disappeared. The aura of the assembly was heavy with emotion as each soldier struggled to take in everything Vallen had mentioned. Pausing again, it was clear something needed to be done to prevent morale from crumbling within the battalion. As if he was on the battlefield this was the moment Vallon seized.
"Lads;remove your bonnets.."

      The assembly pulled there helmets. The same face adorned every soldier, but their scars and tattoos were a testament that each trooper had fought through their own hell. "I studied the art of combat and the use of war since before the academy. To be a successful general one must know himself, the enemy, and his troops. To clear the air I am no aristocrat! My last post was with Commander Baccara and his marines. The lives of my soldiers have value and if we must trade them to the enemy;we will ensure it costs them dearly!! Now then..until we receive our orders, treasure the time you have to relax. Lads.. "Til the last nail." Salvo Battalion..You are dismissed!"

       Again, the synthetic tone rang out across the hall. Troops fell out of order to the barracks. Rex followed by Halifax approached Vallen. "To be honest, I was half expecting you to be a product of nepotism, but its good to know my men are in the hands of a capable soldier. They need this."

       Rex patted Vallen's shoulder plate. "I'd like to learn more about the men in the battalion. Captain and commander, allow me to buy you both a round."

The three turn from the presentation balcony and began walking down the brightly lit Kaminoan hall.
This is a draft of Volume 1 introducing a NEW Original Character.

Check it out and let me know what you think. This is an intro with action to come ;)
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Snell35Damzel's avatar

Enjoyable writing